Only 6 Solid Waste Holidays USE THE WIDGET There are only six observed solid waste collection holidays. Wasteline Logo White GET EMAIL REMINDERS • Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day
• New Year's Day
Arrow artwork
Hefty™ ReNew™ Wasteline Logo White LEARN MORE at Hefty Omaha is a Hefty ReNew community. Purchase ReNew bags at local stores then you can recycle additional hard-to-recycle plastics. Arrow artwork Curbside Cart Placement Wasteline Logo White LEARN MORE Tips for placing the carts at the curb when snow falls. Arrow artwork Get the Wasteline App Wasteline Logo Receive collection reminders and notices Have information in hand Arrow artwork Arrow artwork Omaha's Recycling Guide Wasteline Logo GIVE IT A TRY A one stop shop to answer your unique recycling and disposal questions. Report Roadside
Wasteline Logo White REPORT SOMEONE LITTERING Litter harms wildlife and the environment, is costly to clean up, and degrades the beauty of places around you. Arrow artwork

The Oma-Gro facility at 6606 S 60th St is now open to received yardwaste at no cost. Stop by trailer to be weighed in before unloading. Open 7am to 3pm weekdays.  For more info, click here.

The six weeks of Spring yardwaste collection will be from May 5 to June 13, 2025.  For more info, click here.

Collection Status


↓ ↓ ↓  This notice is updated automatically on Mondays.  ↓ ↓ ↓
↑ ↑ ↑  This notice is updated automatically on Mondays.  ↑ ↑ ↑

You can print a calendar specific for your address by using the widget below.

Find out if you are in recycling group A or B by clicking here.

To receive e-mail notices of unplanned (weather) and holiday delays, click here.

For reminders every week, by text, twitter, email, phone call, or embed in your calendar use the widget below.

There’s an app too!  Get weekly reminders on your smartphone, either iOS or Android .

FCC is collecting until 7:00PM each day.  Any missed collections should be reported to the City’s Solid Waste Helpline, 402-444-5238

The next holiday that will affect the collection schedule is Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2025.

 ReCollect Widget


Recycle Icon


Omaha provides recycling collection every other week from the home using 96-gallon green lid carts. There are also drop-off sites for recyclables including glass.


Your waste cart is designed to hold your garbage and yardwaste. Your cart should be put out before 6 am on your collection day.

Special Waste Icon


Motor oil. Tires. Antifreeze. Bulky items. These are just a few of the things you can’t get rid of using your black lid waste cart.


Six weeks of separate yardwaste collection is provided in the spring and fall. At other times yardwaste is collected in your black lid waste cart. What if your waste cart isn’t big enough to hold both your garbage and your yardwaste?

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