Collection Day & Recycling A/B Finder

Use this simple form to determine the day of collection for your address and which recycling group you are in (A or B). The form will do its best to match your address, however there are some cases where a match will not be found. If a match is not found, you may try again using another address on the same block, but not across any street. Between 8AM and 8PM Monday through Friday the solid waste help line operator, available at 402-444-5238, can help determine your solid waste collection day.


↓ ↓ ↓  This notice is updated automatically on Mondays.  ↓ ↓ ↓
↑ ↑ ↑  This notice is updated automatically on Mondays.  ↑ ↑ ↑


NOTE:  You must enter a complete address including street type to get complete and accurate results.

For example — 3121 Maple St

Note that the City of Omaha provides solid waste collection to single family households, and multi-family buildings that have up to and including four units. Some apartment buildings with five or more units do receive solid waste collection from the City of Omaha if the building’s owner has registered to receive this service.

 ReCollect Widget

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