Age 70 or Disabled Assistance

Special location solid waste collection service is offered to Omaha households were all members of the household meet the following conditions: residents are either at least 70 years old, or have a doctor verified medical need.

Special collection means that your black lid waste cart, and green lid recyclables cart will be collected from one special location that you choose that is within 25 feet of your home.

After you are accepted onto special collection, please do not set out any materials for collection except at the location reported on your application form.  Doing so could unintentionally get you dropped from the assistance program.  Waste and recyclables are collected on the same schedule and same day as your neighbors but usually by a different truck.

We must speak with you to get the process started.  A written application will be completed by city staff and sent to you to be signed by all members of the household.  A person with Power of Attorney may sign on a resident’s behalf.  If a resident is younger than 70 years old, a medical form provided by the City must be signed by a doctor as well.  Generally, a doctor will complete the form without requiring an appointment.  Children under the age of 14 will be listed on the form but are not required to sign, nor get a doctor’s form signed.

After the City has received the completed paperwork and accepts you for the program, a letter will be mailed to you telling you when you may begin using the special collection location.  Service will remain in effect for 10 years and may be renewed at the end of 10 years.

Other Required Conditions: Households on the special collection service must have the street address clearly displayed towards the street and the alley if applicable.  The special collection location must be within 25 feet of the house.  In the winter, collection will not be made if there is very heavy snow or ice blocking the path to the special collection location.

To begin the registration process for special collection service, call the solid waste help line at 402-444-5238 between 8am and 8pm weekdays.

What To Expect When Accepted Into Special Collection Service

Special collections are collected on the same day as neighborhood collection.  In most cases special collection customers can expect their waste to be collected by a truck different than the regular collection provided to their neighbors.  To be sure you are not missed, you must have your carts out at your special collection location before 6AM.

NOTE:  During the spring and fall free yardwaste collection, yardwaste at the special collection location will be disposed in the landfill.  For the yardwaste material to be collected and and sent to the Oma-Gro composting facility, the paper yardwaste bags must be placed out in the location of regular collection.

All items should be picked up by 7PM on your collection day. Please help us serve you best by waiting to call about a missed collection until after 7PM on your regular collection day. Our number is 402-444-5238 and is answered by a live person 24 hours a day.

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