Glass bottles and jars may be recycled at any of the Omaha drop-off sites. The full service drop-off sites also accept all of the recyclables that are collected from Omaha’s curbside collection program. Glass bottles and jars must be kept separate from the other recyclables. You will find at least two containers at the full service drop-off sites; a PURPLE container for glass bottles and jars and a separate GREEN container for all other recyclables. At glass only drop-off sites, a single PURPLE container collects all colors of glass bottles and jars.
For a list of what you can recycle, click here.
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Glass Only Drop-Off Locations
Far West Central
1000 South 178th Street
(180th & Pacific)
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
West Central
Westwood Plaza
12075 West Center Road
(Near the Taco Bell)
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
Full Service Drop-Off Locations
West Drop-off Site
Parking Lot
20801 Elkhorn Drive
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
Northwest Drop-off Site
3615 North 120th Street
(120th & Maple)
NOTE: The containers have been moved to a parking lot south of Mulhall’s parking area, over the bridge (formerly a carwash).
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
Northeast Drop-off Site
North 17th and Burt Streets
(Fenced area, Southwest corner of intersection)
The site is open:
Daily: 7:30AM – 6:00PM – (September – March)
Daily: 7:30AM – 8:00PM – (April – August)
Southeast Drop-off Site
River City Transfer
6404 South 60th Street
(between Q and Harrison)
This site accepts recyclables free and is a dump location for bulky items and general household waste (there is a fee for all materials except recyclables).
The site is open:
Monday through Friday: 6AM – 4PM, year ’round.
Saturday: 6AM – 1PM, Spring, Easter to Thanksgiving
Saturday: 7AM – 11:30AM, Thanksgiving to Easter
Southwest Drop-off Site
Firstar Fiber
10330 ‘I’ Street
Use the East driveway to Firstar.
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
Central Drop-off Site
Parking Lot
7301 Farnam Street
The site is open: Daily: 7AM – 7PM
Find a Drop-Off Location Near You
Illegal dumping at the drop-off sites is punishable by a fine of up to $500, loss of drivers license for 6 months and all clean up costs. Omaha Municipal Code, Chapter 34, ARTICLE I, Section 4.
Theft of recyclables from a drop-off site or recycling carts is punishable by state and local laws. Omaha Municipal Code:Chapter 33, ARTICLE II, Division 1, Section 33, Item 29. Nebraska Revised Statutes: Chapter 28, Section 511.

Two surveillance trailers have been deployed to deter and protect Omaha’s recycling drop-off sites from illegal dumping, and recycling theft.
Illegal dumping includes placing recyclables on the ground and not in the container. The City endeavors to have space available at all times, however there will be times when containers fill up more quickly than the containers may reasonably be emptied.
Omaha Public Works will work with the Omaha Police Department and the Omaha City Prosecutor’s Office to issue citations and prosecute individuals identified not properly using Omaha’s recycling drop-off sites.