In Omaha, we use single-stream recycling. This means packer trucks (also called garbage trucks) marked with recycling signs collect and transport your recyclables to an indoor, semi-automated sorting facility.
Recycling is collected every other week, on the same day as waste collection. Place recyclables in your recycle cart (the one with the green lid) and set it out for collection when it is your recycling week. Find out your recycling group by clicking here and entering your address. A printable calendar specific for your address can be generated from the widget on this page, clicking here. Better yet, set up reminders or get the app mentioned on the widget page.
There are city ordinances that regulate how waste and recyclables are to be prepared for collection. The two sections of the Omaha Municipal Code that relate to solid waste are Chapter 33, ARTICLE II, Division 1, Section 33, Items 21-30 and Chapter 33, ARTICLE II, Division 2, Section 33, Items 41-49. The ordinances also speak to the ownership of material in recycling carts placed at the curb.
For Recycling Drop-off Sites, click here.
What Can I Recycle in My Cart?
Containers and Paper Items Described Below
Aluminum & Steel Cans
(empty and clean)
- Empty aerosol cans
- Food cans
- Beverage cans
- Water based Paint cans – empty and dry with lid removed
Tip: Rinse. Place end (lid) of food cans inside can and crimp closed. Labels may stay on.
Plastic Bottles, Jugs & Snap Top Containers
(empty and clean)
Plastic food, beverage, cleaning product and personal hygiene containers with these numbers:
Including most:
- Water & pop bottles
- Plastic bottles
- Cooking oil bottles
- Milk and Juice jugs
- Plastic food tubs
- Some plastic cups
- Some clamshell containers
- Snap top containers
- Plastic bottles
- Mouthwash bottles
- Shampoo bottles
- Cleaning product bottles
- DVD cases
Tip: Caps and lids are okay.
(all colors and types)
- Magazines
- Catalogues
- Envelopes
- Phonebooks
- Newspaper
- Direct Mail
- Greeting Cards
- Detergent Boxes
- Paper Egg Cartons
- Wrapping Paper
- Paper Books
- School Paper
- Receipts
Tip: Packing tape, staples, and window envelopes are okay.
Cardboard & Cartons
(empty and clean)
- Delivery boxes
- Shipping boxes
- Juice boxes
- Milk cartons
- Juice cartons
- Soup and stock boxes
- Cereal boxes
- Shoe boxes
Tip: Flatten shipping, cereal, and shoe boxes so they will take up less room. Packing tape and staples are okay
Do NOT Include:
NO Glass
(take to drop-off location)
NO Plastic Bags or Wrap
(return to retailer or place in Energy Bag)
NO Yardwaste
(place in garbage)
NO Tanglers
(no hoses, wires, chains or electronics)
NO Food or Liquid
(empty and rinse all containers)
- Styrofoam® has an alternative outlet for recycling. For more information click here.
- Bag your recyclables (they will end up in the landfill)
- Place items outside your cart
- Have items sticking out of your cart – you must be able to close the lid completely
- Exceed the 355-pound weight limit of the 96-gallon cart
- Leave your cart on the curb between collection days
Don’t Bag Recyclables
A Word About Glass
Glass is not collected in the recycling carts.
Glass is recyclable if you take it to a drop-off site. More information is available about drop-off sites by clicking here.
- Place your recycle cart at your collection point before 6AM.
- Leave three feet of space between your waste and recycling carts.
Hefty® ReNew® Bag Program
If you choose to participate in the ReNew® program, place the orange bag in your recycling cart or at any of the full service drop-off sites.
Additional information on obtaining and the proper use of ReNew orange bags may be found by clicking here.

Remember: Place your cart directly at the curb or roadway for most homes before 6:00AM on your collection day. Cart must be within 5 feet of the collection point (usually the curb).

2024 Recycling
Tons Recycled: 22,870
Let’s improve our numbers!
Recycle more in 2025!