Privacy Statement and Site Notice

General Site Notice

This site ( is an official publication of the City of Omaha, Public Works Department, Environmental Quality Division, Solid Waste section. Henceforth in this statement referred to as Wasteline.

The internet is an emerging, free flowing, electronic community that is, for the most part, unregulated. Wasteline is only responsible for information posted by designated employees within Wasteline’s domain ( Wasteline is not responsible for any information linked to or posted, outside the domain controlled by Wasteline or for information posted to Wasteline’s domains by rogue individuals.

Efforts are made to provide consistent and accurate information throughout the website. Solid waste collection is a dynamic program with changes created by the economy, labor, seasons, and weather. In places where there may be inconsistencies, the information provided at a higher level and posted at a more recent time will take precedence over other lesser pages and older pages. Staff of the Public Works Department will be the final arbiter to interpret inconsistencies or unclear information. For questions regarding unclear or inconsistent, or inaccurate information, please contact the solid waste help line at 402-444-5238.

Internet browsers tend to store copies of pages you have previously visited. To ensure you are viewing the latest version, clear your cache or refresh the view.

Online Privacy Statement

Wasteline is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly maintains the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online.

It is Wasteline’s policy that personal information, such as your name, postal and e-mail address or telephone number, is private and confidential. Accordingly, the personal information you provide is stored in a secure location, is accessible only by designated staff, and is used only for the purpose for which you provide the information.

Personal information will not be released to third parties. We will not provide or sell personal information to third parties.

Link Disclaimer

The links provided by this site are intended to provide a wide range of information to the public.

Wasteline has no liability for third-party content and all risks rest entirely with users accessing those links. Our links do not constitute our endorsement of those sites.

While we avoid commercial advertising on our site, you may encounter ads and popups on the sites we link to.

Technical problems with outside links, other than a link that has been moved or changed, should be reported to the entity that maintains the site, not Wasteline. If you feel that the content of an outside link is inappropriate please contact us.

ADA Policy

Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise noted, the City of Omaha retains the copyright to all text and images on the Wasteline domain. All rights reserved. Any reuse or republishing of the text or images on this Web site without prior written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited. To request such permission, please contact us.

© City of Omaha. All Rights Reserved.

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