Independence Day Waste

Fireworks are not recyclable

Dispose as garbage with these two requests:

Photo cleaning up fireworks litter
Photo of a melted cart

Sweep up firework litter so it does not go into the storm drain and into local creeks.

Make sure fireworks are extinguished and cool before disposing. Dousing with water is a good idea. Carts that are melted will be replaced and the property invoiced.

Extra Recycling Opportunities—

ReNew, add on program for some addtional plastics:

If you are picnicking on Independence Day, with the addition of Hefty ReNew Program Bags you can recycle more items including plastic cups, plastic plates, and plastic utensils. Program details available by clicking here (you’re leaving the website).

Graphic of the Hefty ReNew bag

Glass Bottles and Jars:

Photo of a glass drop-off container

Glass bottles from your picnic are recyclable at Omaha area drop-off sites in the purple container. To find a location click here.

Plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and steel cans are recyclable at drop-off sites and in your green lid cart.

Expanded Polystyrene Foam:

If your Styrofoam® cooler doesn’t survive the day it may be recycled at Plastilite in northeast Omaha. More information just click here (you’re leaving

Does not included take out containers or egg cartons. For them see ReNew above.

Photo of an Expanded Polystyrene Foam cooler
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