What Not To Flush

Wipes Clog Pipes - Protect Your Pipes

The City of Omaha Environmental Services reminds the public: Only flush the 3P’s – toilet paper, pee, and poo.

Any other material – such as cleaning wipes, “flushable” wipes, and paper towels – can cause clogs and sewer overflows that further impact public health and our environment.  That’s because toilet paper breaks down quickly in water. Other material remains intact. In fact, wipes are a leading cause of sewage overflows and costly clogs to City pipes and pump stations.

The video below shows a graphic example of what happens when people flush the wrong things (credit to Portland BES):

Want more evidence? The Water Environment Federation conducted research, view their results:

Can I Flush That?


  • Toilet paper
  • Pee
  • Poo


You can only flush the 3P’s – even though some products such as wipes and baby diapers claim to be flushable, they aren’t.


  • Disinfecting & cleaning wipes
  • Baby wipes
  • Towelettes
  • Paper towels
  • Facial tissues
  • “Flushable” wipes
  • Disposable diapers
  • Tampons and tampon applicators
  • Sanitary napkins
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Mini or maxi pads
  • Condoms
  • Bandages and bandage wrappings


  • Putting the wrong things down the drain can damage the sewer system, cause sewer backups in your home, and sewer releases to the environment. Anyone who uses the city sewer system should be responsible for what they flush or pour down drains.
  • Do not flush unused medications down the toilet. You can safely dispose of medications in the garbage, or take medications to an approved prescription drug take-back site or event.
  • Grease in sewer pipes causes sewer maintenance problems for property owners and the city. Never pour grease in your sink drain and try to use your garbage disposal less
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